Sunday, February 03, 2008

How Do We Witness to a Society that No Longer Feels Guity?

Evangelicals are facing a crisis. How do we share the gospel of Jesus Christ in the modern world? For Christians who are firm believers in the atoning work of Christ, I think it’s difficult to see how the meaning of the cross is not all that apparent to the world around them. As we tout the power of the cross to save, I’m sure unbelievers are scratching their head in bewilderment how the death of a man two thousand years ago makes a hill of beans difference in their postmodern world. And it saves? Saves from what? I think this was central to the division in those that watched the Passion of the Christ. Christians perceived in the events portrayed in the film a universal significance that has the power to change every man, woman and child. Unbelievers saw a man brutalized for two and half hours.

How does one offer the message of Jesus to a world that does not know God? Historically we have looked to ones recognition of sin as a catalyst for sharing the good news found in Jesus Christ. Jonathan Edward’s sermon “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” is a good illustration. Edward’s sermon inspired the first Great Awakening. It focused upon the wrath of God waiting to be poured out upon sinners. When Edwards first read the sermon in his little Church in Massachusetts, people began to faint in the audience and cry out with grief at the realization of there own state. This has been the approach of Evangelicals ever sense. Introduce people to the wrath of God against sinners and the hope that is found in Jesus and they will accept Jesus as the means of their salvation every time. This worked well in Edward’s small puritan community where the belief in Judeo-Christian God was axiomatic and like fictional character Hester Pririm in the Scarlet Letter people had to where their sin on there clothing. But what happens when people cease to believe in God or at least a god that is concerned with matters such as right and wrong.

Since the enlightenment, the world has been increasingly moving in that direction. With cosmological discoveries such as those made by Copernicus and Newton, the worlds image of God began to shift from an active present spiritual force that moved the heavens each and every day to a distant clockmaker who wound up his creation and then left it to run. This view of God was more or less an intellectual halfway house between theism and atheism. With the advent of Darwin’s theory of evolution, however, scholars were at last allowed to be as Richard Dawkins has said, "intellectually fulfilled atheists." Invisible deities began to be regarded like Santa Clause. True reality was found in the five senses, tangible empirical experience. Sciences remarkable achievements with its firm belief in the senses have created today a world that trusts in its empirical senses and distrusts things that cannot be tangibly verified. Today whether or not one says they believe in God, for many he has become an absent landlord and or a misguided figment of the imagination.

It’s clear that these beleifs have affected our society. Since the founding of the United States our society has been dominated by the concept of tolerance. However, what it meant in the days of our founding it does not mean the same thing today. Tolerance used to mean the respect two people showed to one another in an argument. This is the foundation of democracy. I am tolerant of your opinion not because you are right but because you are a human being worthy of respect. Debate was fostered by a keen awareness that you are worthy to be persuaded. Today’s tolerance has nothing to do with this former definition and is surprisingly antithetical to its former meaning. Tolerance today is the firm belief that since there is no tangible verification of right then there is no point to debate. Tolerance comes from the belief that there is no right and wrong; no purpose. There are only opinions and nothing more. Today tolerance is found in the absence of meaning and not in debate about it.

What has become of the Evangelical witness in growing spirit of Laze fare? It has become shrill. Witnessing is no longer easy like placing bread before a hungry man. So instead of looking to meet the man’s need we starve him so he eats the bread we give him. Instead of meeting the needs of a society that’s no longer aware of God and his standards the Church has increasingly become the judgmental means of making it aware of its own sin. So instead of being salvation through alleviating guilt the Church has become the sole source of guilt in a society that no longer feels guilty. And thus non-Christians avoid us like the plague.

Sadly we don’t realize that in abandoning belief in something higher than tangible experience unbelievers have begun to suffer from another disease, hopelessness, purposelessness, nihilism. The death of God is the death of meaning. Society ran from the belief in God of absolute truth in part to alleviate itself from guilt but in the process it became mired in an equally depressing reality. If there is no wrong then there is no right if there is no sin then there is no purity. In denying the one they have denied the other. If there is no sin then there is no point, no meaning for ones own existence. If there is no standard then there is nothing to point us in a good or right direction. People still suffer for there sin they simply don’t recognize the meaning of that term. By running from sin they have abandoned all belief in the good, they have abandoned any and all hope of salvation.

The hopelessness are society feels can be seen in their very hunger for entertainment. To free ourselves from the emptiness of living, distraction becomes the number one goal. And the so the cycle continues. We feel nothing so we talk about nothing and the end receive nothing from our experiences. It’s a vicious cycle it’s seems from which we cannot escape.

So how should Evangelicals respond? The first thing is to recognize that Jesus is still the answer. He is the point and purpose for all that is. He is the only one who can free them from the plight in which they find themselves. Secondly we must in part abandon are emphasis on making people recognize their own sin. It’s not our job to convict the world of sin, this is the role of the Holy Spirit. When Jesus frees a sole he will also convict the sinner. It may be a slow process but it will come. Our job is to introduce them to Jesus? He is the meaning, the purpose for which they’ve been seeking.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great stuff Matt.

2 thoughts
ECC 3:11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

I love the first part of this verse as it relates to witnessing. We as followers of Christ know the truth and the importance of not only knowing him for eternity and the gift of eternal life with God but also the daily walk and what true love and true joy are. I think there is so much focus on "convert" vs "converse" with those who don't know Him. If individuals encounters with "Christians" include the guy with a sign on the street, the tract someone handed you at the fair, the annual knock at your door from the local church inviting you to some event and the the face of Christianity (world view) pick your preacher on TV explaining why God inflicted this disaster upon this world in response to ->insert group, sin, government policy<-. It's beautiful when someone commits their life to Christ somehow I don't think this verse points to the methods that seem to dominate witnessing.

Eternity is in everyones hearts, the only way I know to get to someone's heart is by knowing them and living life with them, I can't get through to their hearts any other way. The church needs less campaigns to hit large numbers and more followers of Jesus loving like Jesus.

Some stats from the book "UN christian"

18-41 year olds

65% say they have made a personal commitment to Jesus Christ and that is still important.

yet only 3% possess a biblical worldview (which Barna defined this way)
1. Believes Jesus Christ lived a sinless life
2. God is the all-powerful and all-knowing creator of the universe and he stills rules it today
3. salvation is a gift from God and cannot be earned
4. Satan is real
5. a Christian has a responsibility to share his or her faith in Christ with other people
6. The Bible is accurate in all of the principles it teaches
7. unchanged moral truth exists
8. moral truth is defined by the Bible

less marketing campaigns more time with people seems to be the key to changing these statistics.

Thought #2

The movie "Reign over me" came to mind when looking at the title of your blog post. This is the movie with Adam Sandler and Don Cheadle who were college roommates and went their separate ways after college. Adam Sandlers character(Charlie) loses his family during 9/11 attacks and shuts down to the realty of what's happening inside of him...If you've seen it you know what i'm talking about, if not check it out. How this gels with your post is, in the movie no one was going to get through to Charlie by saying "you need this to solve your problems (counseling)" but it took Don Cheadle's character to enter back into his life and live life with him (eating together, playing video games, listening to music, catching a movie) to get through to Charlie's heart. It is the relationship that changed Charlie not the advice, no matter how “right” the advice was.

As always Jesus says it best Matthew 22:37-38 "Love the Lord God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself."

We really over complicate things don't we?

Thanks for the thought provoking post, you are a gifted teacher.

here's a link to the movie trailer "Reign over me"

8:15 PM  
Blogger Matthew Miller said...

Thanks for your thoughts Jermey. A book and a movie I will certainly have to spend some time with.

8:34 PM  

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