Two years ago I began this blog by filling in a blank title box; Logos Made Flesh. I chose this title for two reasons. First it connected this blog to my passion for studying the gospel of John, a love that is highlighted in many of my posts. But secondly, and I beleive more importantly, it tied this blog into the heart of all Christian witness, the incarnation of Chirst. In selecting this name, I hoped that many of the posts would seek to do what God did in Christ, bring the word of God closer to man.
This past year, 2007, has seen a number of improvements over 2006. First I have been more consistent in posting. In 2007 no more than a month or two has seperated any given installment. In the spring of 2007, Jason Wakefield also agreed to become apart of the writing team and if you've read his stuff I know you'll agree that its a vast improvement. We have also begun to branch outside the written word as we become aware of other forms of media technology on the web. Film, I believe even more than the written word, is deeply connnected with the reality of the incarnation. And it is through film that I hope to explore the revelation of God in Christ more fully in the years to come.
Here is a list of the posts that have appeared here this year.
"The Longing of Man" (2/22/07) - The significance of the death and resurrection of Christ is found in modern films.
To Him Who Has Eyes to See (2/24/07) - Christian film makers should follow the example of Christ, asking good questions rather than shoving answers done their audiences throat.
Superman as Christ (3/18/07) - Superman Return's teaser is an example of how Christ is subtly proclaimed in films.
What is the Incarnation? (3/21/07)
The Scandal of the Incarnation (3/26/07) - God becoming Man is not as polite as you might think.
The Traveler? (3/28/07) - Who is the traveler in Walter De La Mare's famous poem?
Rain (3/31/07) - To everything there is a season (Jason's first post)
Pondering Heavenly Wisdom (4/17/07) - The ways of God are not the ways of man.
Questions to think about when reading the Gospel of Mark (4/30/07)
Real Beauty? (5/11/07) - Is this fantasey more beautiful then the real?
Seeing the World as a Christian (5/22/07) - A Christian worldview beats the alternative
Becoming One With God Part 1 (5/29/07) What does the Bible teach about Theosis?
The Flow of Blood and Water: Becoming One with God Part 2 (5/31/07)
Marriage in John: Becoming Onew with God Part 3 (5/31/07)
Marriage in John: Becoming One with God Part 4 (5/31/07)
Inviting the Elderly: Diversity in the Church (6/09/07) - When thinking about diversity in Church we often overlook the elderly
Marriage in John: Becoming One with God Part 5 (8/05/07)
Keep Reading (9/01/07) - You'll never understand the Bible until you continually read the Bible.
The Message of Mark (10/15/07) - Jesus calls us to follow.
Blush (12/03/07) - The Scandal of the Incarnation written as a Christmas message
A Brief Meditation on Time (12/12/07) - When we long for the past what we really want is to know the future.
Christ and the Shawshank Redemption (12/26/07) - A portion of my letter, responding to a challenge made about the "Longing of Man."
I hope you draw closer to him this year as you continue to walk with us in this blog.
Matthew Miller