Friday, February 03, 2006

Why is Scripture's Deeper Meaning Important?

Some have expressed to me a concern that if we teach there is a deeper meaning in scripture then some may begin to question their ability to discover scripture's meaning. This thought has certainly crossed my mind. It has also occured to me that a belief in a deeper meaning may smak of liberal eleatism. It could divide the Church into the so-called have and the have nots. People may begin to lord it over others that they are enlightened. "I'm smarter than you are," some may begin to think. I hate snobbering. "knowledge puffs up but love builds up" Paul said. I couldn't agree with him more. So why do I still beleive that we should call attention to this deeper meaning?

The world is only getting faster. With twenty second commericials and bill boards passing at sixty miles an hour, our minds have been trained not to think of anything for more than a few seconds. More and more messages have to be bold, straight forward. We have abandoned subtelty. Sarcasm has replaced irony. Churches, likewise, have kept pace with the increased velocity of the world. Sermons have to be short, whorship has to be catchy, the list could go on and on. Sunday morning has become like a shot in the arm for the weekly rat race, rather than the healing touch of a patient nurse.

The speed has caused the world and the Church to abandon refleciton, to see only the surface. For most the world has no more subtelty then a traffic sign. Truth for them is merely what we can see, taste, touch and feel. When the Church encourages this belief by keeping up with the world rather than slowing it down, it abandons the very message it seeks to convey. Without reflection we cannot see God, for though evidence for him exists in the mateiral world, he cannot be seen in the material world. Only through reflection do we see God and only by reflecting on Jesus do we really know who God is and what is to be Godly in this material world.

I beleive that by showing people that there is a deeper meaning in scripture we challenge them to think deeper about scripture as well as the world around them. We challenge them to slow down, take and a second look, and reflect on the meaning of scripture.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Have you ever talked to a fan of a sport? I am talking a fan… “Fan” is short for fanatic and good ole Google has the following definitions. Fanatic: marked by excessive enthusiasm for and intense devotion to a cause or idea; "rabid isolationist". “A person motivated by irrational enthusiasm (as for a cause). Winston Churchill is quoted as saying, "A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject".
Ever talked to lets say a golf fan? I am trying to learn golf. Since I am not as limber as I use to be, (remember, we are going to be 29 this year...), it seemed like the right sport to take up. It didn’t look like that difficult of a sport at the start. Use this club to hit a ball into a hole and count your strokes. But anyone who knows anything about golf will tell you it is so much more than that. Countless hours of practicing swinging that club and reading how the pros do it. Not to mention the cost of your, they are expensive. Very quickly I found myself investing large amounts of my time, talent (or lack of) and treasure in this sport.
I have a feeling that I am not alone.
Everyone out there has some “sport” that we are a fan of. Activities that occupy our time for a while but soon after either grow old or we simply lose our interest. Walk into an average garage and you will see a “stuff” grave yard. Old bicycles, Rollerblades, models, computer games and yes maybe a set of golf clubs.
What would happen if someone got fanatical about serving the Lord?
Diving headlong and spending time, talent and treasure into their Christian walk.
Instead of having Tiger Woods wannabees walking around we might have Paul wannabees or Peter wannabees or even maybe Jesus wannabees.
Then the uncovering of irony, double entendre, symbols, allusions and other literary devises in the Bible, would then not raise questions of elitism, but bring excitement.
I understand the point and the meaning of the question raised, but what about the many phrases of scripture that require knowledge of a Jewish cultural background? It’s only through study that we start to see the true significance of some scripture. It has nothing to do with possessing Illuminate type knowledge or conceiving conspiracy theories like the The Da Vinci code or the Jesus Seminar’s Gospel of Thomas. Nor does it matter how smart you are or are not (as in my case!). But more about going on a quest to a better understanding, a better relationship with Jesus.
Some people view understanding Biblical doctrine in the same way. As if it were some forbidden enigma and not the very pillars of our Christian foundation. No wonder why there are over 60% of the nation who claim they are “Christian”, but know nothing about what or more importantly Who they believe in.

Be encouraged O Fanatic of God! Keep up the study and comments in your blog.

Let’s focus more on bringing light to our understanding of Scripture so that in turn our light may shine brighter!


3:52 PM  

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